Harvard Plagiarism Archive

"[T]he problem of writers . . . passing off the work of others as their own . . . [is] a phenomenon of some significance."
PROFESSOR LAURENCE TRIBE, e-mail to Dean Lawrence Velvel, 9/13/2004

"'I . . . delegated too much responsibility to others . . .,' [Prof. Charles Ogletree] said. 'I was negligent
in not overseeing more carefully the final product that carries my name.' * * * Ogletree told The Crimson that
he had not read the passage of Balkin’s book that appears in his own work. An assistant inserted the material
into a manuscript . . . . But Ogletree said he was closely involved in most of the drafting of the book . . . ."

STEVEN MARKS, "Ogletree Faces Discipline for Copying Text," The Harvard Crimson, 9/13/2004

"'Ronald Klain . . . then only a first-year student at Harvard law . . . spent most of his time with
Tribe working on Tribe's [1985] book God Save This Honorable Court,'" the Legal Times added in 1993.
* * * 'Many of Klain's friends and former colleagues say that he wrote large sections of the book . . . .'"

JOSEPH BOTTUM, "The Big Mahatma," The Weekly Standard, 10/4/2004

"[A]fter several plagiarism scandals broke over distinguished faculty members at Harvard's law school, including
Laurence Tribe,a group of students there set up a blog, Harvard Plagiarism Archive, to follow the University's
handling of the problem. They believe that the University, President Summers, and Dean Elena Kagan
essentially white-washed the scandal and are demanding further action.

PROF. RALPH LUKER, History News Network's "Cliopatria" blog,4/26/2005

“The Tribe and Ogletree matters have catalyzed bitter complaints from Harvard students that the university
employs a double standard. . . . The students have every right to be incensed over this gross double standard.
They in fact ought to raise hell peacefully about it: a constant barrage of letters, emails, statements . . . .”

DEAN LAWRENCE VELVEL, "Velvel on National Affairs" blog, 4/28/2005

"If you want to keep track of this story, I recommend the new Harvard Plagiarism Archive. . . . [I]t's pretty thorough."
TIMOTHY NOAH, Slate's "Chatterbox" blog,9/28/2004

"[Y]ou have done a wonderful service to all by operating the AuthorSkeptics website . . . a fine public service."
DEAN LAWRENCE VELVEL, author of "Velvel on National Affairs," e-mail to AuthorSkeptics, 4/19/2005

Saturday, July 03, 2010

National Review Article on Professor Tribe

A few days ago the National Review published an article on new evidence of the use of ghostwriters, and/or the commission of plagiarism, by Professor Laurence Tribe.  The article is "Pearls Richer Than Tribe," written by Robert VerBruggen.  You can read it online here (apparently it's not in the print edition).

Despite our interest in the subject matter, we did not know about it until today, when a Harvard Parody blogger (we discussed that blog here) called it to our attention.  Based on a quick Google search, it appears the article has received little attention.  Mr. VerBruggen's article mentioned both the Harvard Parody blog and our blog (which we certainly appreciate).  The Harvard parodists tentatively plan to do another post or set of posts in an effort to renew interest in their efforts, and in the Harvard plagiarism scandals, and have asked us for our input, which we will try to provide if our schedules permit.

Update (7/2013) -- Above link to article is broken.  Here is a summary of the article (link to article there is broken, too).   Apparently some of the urls on the National Review website have been changed, but not all cross-references have been updated.  The new url for the article is here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dean Lawrence Velvel on Kagan's Nomination to the Supreme Court

Former Harvard law school dean Elena Kagan (now Solicitor General), a central figure in this blog, has now been nominated for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.  Dean Lawrence Velvel, another central figure in this blog, is not exactly backing her nomination (which should come as no surprise to readers).  See here.

Earlier, Evan Gahr of Jewish World Review discussed Kagan's role in whitewashing the Harvard Law School ghostwriting/plagiarism scandals involving Laurence Tribe and Charles Ogletree, here.

It's also discussed by blogger Robert Stacy McCain (The Other McCain) here.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

"Harvard Clown School" blog

Last week "Dunc Hunter" (we presume a pseudonym) published a new blog entitled "Harvard Clown School."  It decries what certainly seems to be a recent decline in scholarly standards at the (formerly?) prestigious Harvard Law Review.  It artfully (in our view) links that decline to the earlier toleration, by Dean Elena Kagan and others, of professors' use of student ghostwriters, even when those ghostwriters turn out to have plagiarized from legitimate scholars.

We recommend it highly, but we must point out that the blog consists largely of links to stories about Harvard plagiarism which we initially collected and publicized on our blog -- yet "Dunc Hunter" doesn't see fit to mention our blog even once!  We leave it to our readers to decide whether he's plagiarized our blog about Harvard Plagiarism.

We must give "Dunc Hunter" credit for one thing:  he has boiled down the basic story about the Harvard plagiarism/ghostwriting scandals, and the key sources, much more concisely than we have ever done -- particularly with regard to the Dershowitz affair.  Therefore the "Harvard Clown School" blog serves as a good starting point for readers new to this subject.  We will follow with interest any further posts on the blog.